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A remarkable comeback as ANZ perm sales soar once again.

Posted by Nigel Harse FRCSA on 11 June 2021
A remarkable comeback as ANZ perm sales soar once again.

Looking back, in May 2020 we were faced with the greatest market crash our industry had witnessed. Results tumbled everywhere, perm sales instantly plunged by 60% to 70% or more and the future outlook was grim. As we all adjusted to the new challenges and Governments stepped in with some very effective cash handouts, economies and business confidence started to improve. By September the perm market had already come back to life and by March 2021 many of our participants are reporting record levels of activity. All of the indicators suggest this will be a record year and if we can get the borders open I am expecting to see unprecedented levels of growth. They say a picture is worth a thousand words and the chart below says it all, what a comeback!

A remarkable comeback in perm sales revenue in ANZ









Now is the time when exclusivity should be rising in your business, but how do you win more exclusive jobs and grow your business with greater confidence while standing out from the crowd?

Fierce competition is a major obstacle to winning this race, the war for talent is only getting tighter. If you are wise you will take this opportunity to increase your fees, these are the best conditions to do so.
Potential clients will ask: "Why should I use you? What makes you better than others?"
What if your answer was different really different? What if your answer was, "We focus on what actually drives performance".
My colleague of many years, Kevin Chandler, Co-Founder and Chief Science Officer at AbilityMap, has written a new series to help owners and managers of Recruitment agencies by rethinking key recruitment elements.
The AbilityMap business intelligence platform represents a major breakthrough in people-performance analytics that enables recruiters to differentiate by focusing on what it is that actually drives performance in your client's jobs. Click here to read how AbilityMap tackles how to differentiate your business from your competition and how to effectively change the conversations you're having with clients because that's how you will stand out!

Enjoy the read, better still give it a try!!!!

Stay safe and well,

Nigel Harse FRCSAAuthor:Nigel Harse FRCSA
About: Highly regarded and widely sought after for his knowledge, unwavering passion and innovation, Nigel is a 40-year veteran of the recruitment industry.
Connect via:TwitterLinkedIn
Tags:Perm Sales in AustraliaAustralian recruitment agencies

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